Neighborhood: Frick Park
Pitt Stoppers:
Deanna, Scotty, Kim, Carolyn, Lily, Lisa, BTBNL.
Wook, Todd, Rita, Brendan, Bobby D., Jonathan yeaah.
Walkers (From Silky's to Commercial Ave.)
Rob, Lee, Melissa, Gino, Kristen (special award).
Team Extremo (From Silky's to Pub in the Park)
Jimmy D., Jim, Big Al, Noreen.
Bar: None.
Pluses: Frick Park has an extensive set of trails, tennis courts, playgrounds, bowling greens, great views of the Mon Valley, and an off-road BMX course (for the determined searchers).
Weirdness: The observation platforms that extend only 4 feet off of the path.
Aside: A group of us decided to take advantage of the weather and make the long walk from Silky's to Pub in the Park. Squirrel Hill South is home to the lion's share of the two biggest parks in the City of Pittsburgh - Schenley and Frick - so the obvious route was through Frick Park. Frick Park was initially a 150 acre area bequeathed by Henry Clay Frick in 1919. Using trust funds also from Frick, additional land was obtained to swell the park to its current size of 600 acres.
The walkers. Notice how Rob, Noreen, and Al are in motion.
Ravine Trail - so fantastic that Gino lost his head!
Buddy up, Walkers.
Rob is psyched after calling for transportation back-up.
The half completed bridge that was nearly our undoing.
The long hill on Commercial Ave.
Team Extremo conquered it.
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